275060764 10158487157218045 5724960430469235233 n.jpg?stp=dst jpg s720x720& nc cat=103&ccb=1 7& nc sid=0be424& nc ohc=My6JKWLdLVYAX8hwkbR& nc ht=scontent dus1 1 Falcon Fast Forward article by Sue (Nolz) Verica from the pages of Metal Maniacs - January 2005. | Cirith Ungol Online

1476622 10151811130678045 1244560312 n.jpg?stp=cp0 dst jpg p50x50& nc cat=104&ccb=1 7& nc sid=dbb9e7& nc ohc=BQQ EjtN1lYAX n8MUr& nc ht=scontent atl3 2 Falcon Fast Forward article by Sue (Nolz) Verica from the pages of Metal Maniacs - January 2005. | Cirith Ungol Online


Falcon добавил(-а) новое фото в альбом «Falcon press».

Falcon Fast Forward article by Sue (Nolz) Verica from the pages of Metal Maniacs – January 2005.

Возможно, это изображение 3 человека и текст «Fauat ast Garvin orward drummer, with hut Rob drum by Sue Greg's Destiny's End Maniacs scribe] guitarist Grayson was mprovise about and jamming; going general three exactly Obviously, thems aaeso pages Bang- integral nod "Castle unything great involved very along Walker clean leave gonna ook with have nima Greg, He's me| ge material will band's these»



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