Artist Jim Barraza United States of America (USA) (US) Birth โ™ Tue 29 Nov 1966 (57 years, 10 months, 25 days, 21149 total living days)

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Jim Barraza, Jimmy or James G. Barraza. Living in Missouri, moved to California from 1985/6. Guitars 🎸 01 Jun 1987 – 1991 and 2015 – Sep 2023. Jim: “I think mid 1989 – late dec 1991“. Jimi’s name day is 3 May.ย Brother Juan. Sharon Schuster (mother), Gilbert Barraza (father – 27 Apr 1945 – 4 Dec 2022 RIP), Bob & Ruella Bouffard (grand parents), daughter Alishea Barraza.

There is conflicting story: Barraza was member of Prophecy from 1985 (Paradise Lost re-release/Tales of a Paradise Lost) or 1986 (Tales of a Paradise Lost/ESP profile) till 1987. And also conflicting story of the band Train Wreck Blooze with Go It Alone.


Jimmy Barraza is a fantastic guitar player

Greg Lindstrom


he was one hell of a guitarist

We had found a really good guitarist named Jimmy Barraza who we wanted to bring on board so that Jerry could concentrate on his leads and we could play all the double leads we were writing in all the new (and old) songs. Somehow Jerry must have felt that we were trying to replace him although nothing could have been farther from the truth.

Robert Garven


    He officially returned to theย stage at theย Frost and Fire Fest II (Sat 08 Oct 2016)ย in USA.


    “health issues”

    Armand John Anthony took over and replacement of Jim Barraza, due to โ€œhealth issuesโ€ on Oct 2023.

    Autumn 2023: cirithungolofficial on FB has removed the short documentary on Jim. It was before on 2023:

    But we have not seen a health certificate from a hospital, psychiatrist or other kind of doctor yet.

    and search for other forums as well.

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