213746549 205853491454953 6147769158204442032 n.jpg?stp=dst jpg e35 s1080x1080& nc ht=scontent gru1 1.cdninstagram.com& nc cat=101& nc ohc=J8r7yKFUmYYAX oOUwk&edm=AOQ1c0wBAAAA&ccb=7 First pressing of "King of the Dead" Enigma E 1089, 1984 * There is no album title on the front cover of the OG pressi... | Cirith Ungol Online
213746549 205853491454953 6147769158204442032 n.jpg?stp=dst jpg e35 s1080x1080& nc ht=scontent gru1 1.cdninstagram.com& nc cat=101& nc ohc=J8r7yKFUmYYAX oOUwk&edm=AOQ1c0wBAAAA&ccb=7 First pressing of "King of the Dead" Enigma E 1089, 1984 * There is no album title on the front cover of the OG pressi... | Cirith Ungol Online

First pressing of “King of the Dead” Enigma E 1089, 1984 * There is no album title on the front cover of the OG pressings ยฉ Enigma Records โ„— Liquid Flames Productions #kingofthedead #cirithungol #cirithungolband #michaelwhelan #thebaneoftheblacksword #dawbooks #elricofmelnibone #michaelmoorcock #enigmarecords #liquidflames
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