Hey Tim Baker, Robert Garven. Jim Barraza, have yo…
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- π Hey Tim Baker, Robert Garven. Jim Barraza, have yo… (DuckDuckGo search or Google search or WP search or FB)
cyberseo_rss_source: https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCA-1iX8nRk_8jw-y6DFOomg
Hey Tim Baker, Robert Garven. Jim Barraza, have you guys thought about making a Dvd of the show? If not the whole show then at least the Cirith Ungol part. Would be awesome to be able to see your gig. But I’m just not going to be able to make it. And I’m sure a lot of other fans that aren’t going to be able to get there would love to be able to see this monumental occasion. Just a thought… you guys get out there and kick some ass! I know you will! ? |
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