I don’t know why Bing.com states The Cirith Ungol …

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i dont know why bing com states the cirith ungol I don't know why Bing.com states The Cirith Ungol ... | Cirith Ungol Online
Dani Besserwisser 10:33pm Aug 11
I don’t know why Bing.com states The Cirith Ungol Webpit is an "Official Site". It has AFAIK never been declared as official and always been just a fansite.

i dont know why bing com states the cirith ungol I don't know why Bing.com states The Cirith Ungol ... | Cirith Ungol Online
Dani Besserwisser 11:34pm Aug 11
Yahoo too

i dont know why bing com states the cirith ungol I don't know why Bing.com states The Cirith Ungol ... | Cirith Ungol Online
Dani Besserwisser 11:34pm Aug 11
But not Google.

picture I don't know why Bing.com states The Cirith Ungol ... | Cirith Ungol Online
Arild Bendixen 10:46am Aug 12
because Bing and yahoo sucks πŸ˜‰
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