RIP Scott Campbell Prophecy’s vocalist and guitar



rip scott campbell prophecys vocalist and guitar RIP Scott Campbell Prophecy's vocalist and guitar | Cirith Ungol Online
Calvin Meuser11:01pm Apr 28
RIP Scott Campbell Prophecy’s vocalist and guitar

rip scott campbell prophecys vocalist and guitar RIP Scott Campbell Prophecy's vocalist and guitar | Cirith Ungol Online
Calvin Meuser11:02pm Apr 28
RIP Kurtis Grothe

rip scott campbell prophecys vocalist and guitar 2 RIP Scott Campbell Prophecy's vocalist and guitar | Cirith Ungol Online
Vern Green11:19pm Apr 28
Calvin, your post makes it sound like Scott passed away. I notice on his facebook page people were looking for him. Am I right to believe he has passed? And do you know the circumstances around it?

rip scott campbell prophecys vocalist and guitar RIP Scott Campbell Prophecy's vocalist and guitar | Cirith Ungol Online
Calvin Meuser12:20am Apr 29

picture RIP Scott Campbell Prophecy's vocalist and guitar | Cirith Ungol Online
Carolyn Agler- Porter4:45am Apr 29
Scott Campbell… from our hearts Adam porter and Carolyn Agler- Porter Porter… you will be missed, ..Our Brother in Rock…broken hearted.. don’t let this be real… Doug Morrison… I know you get us.

picture RIP Scott Campbell Prophecy's vocalist and guitar | Cirith Ungol Online
Carolyn Agler- Porter4:52am Apr 29
Hello Calvin Meuser many of us in Ventura with links to Scott Campbell our hoping you can realm us what happened he’s our Brother…if you could please.

picture RIP Scott Campbell Prophecy's vocalist and guitar | Cirith Ungol Online
Carolyn Agler- Porter4:53am Apr 29
Doug Morrison dammit.. in shock.. miss you.

picture RIP Scott Campbell Prophecy's vocalist and guitar | Cirith Ungol Online
Carolyn Agler- Porter4:57am Apr 29
Sorry my spelling is terrifying…

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