ID 25107 • Edition CD: BR (HEL 1371) • Record One Foot In HellBand Cirith UngolRelease date 2020 • Release label Hellion Records • Release number HEL 1371 • Country Brazil

Licensed From – Metal Blade Records
Manufactured By – Kyrios Comércio, Editora E Serviços Fonográficos Eireli
Manufactured For – Hellion Records Com. Imp. Exp. Ltda.
Published By – Bloody Skull Music
Published By – Bug Music
Package: jewel case with transparent tray.
Barcode (Printed): 7 898563 323710
Barcode (Scanned): 7898563323710
Other (Batch ID): AA000500
Matrix / Runout: [KYRIOS CD SOLUTION – logo] HEL1371
Mastering SID Code: none
Mould SID Code: IFPI LP10

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One Foot In Hell

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