ID 2660 • Edition LP: (Metal Blade; MBR 1001) [first pressing] • Record Metal Massacre 1Band Various artistsRelease date Mon 14 Jun 1982 • Release label Metal Blade Records • Release number MBR 1001 • Limited 10000

The 1st pressing has the black skull front cover and only Metal Blade records on the back. The labels are a silver and black simple typeset, and the Ratt and Steeler songs are on it while the Black and Blue song is missing. “The New Heavy Metal Revue” was a fanzine produced by Brian Slagel, the founder of Metal Blade. This compilation also marks Metallica’s first appearance on vinyl.

Limited to x10000. In a November 2012 interview with, Brian Slagel stated that there were 2500 copies of the 1st pressing. On website The Corroseum there were 4500 copies.

14 / 100
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The New Heavy Metal Revue presents Metal Massacre

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