Band Dexter Ward Greece (GR)

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The Case of Charles Dexter Ward is fantasy of writer H.P. Lovecraft. The band is a name of this. Cover of Go It Alone by Prophecy (later cover of Cirith Ungol, Ventura and Dexter Ward).

Dexter Ward & Cirith Ungol. Enough said…

Slået op af Manolis KarazerisSøndag den 12. juni 2016


Dexter Ward – Cirith Ungol – the mighty Oliver Weinsheimer and loved friends in Keep it true! As cool as a picture can get.

Slået op af Manolis KarazerisLørdag den 7. maj 2016

Είχαμε την τιμή και το καμάρι να φιλοξενήσουμε αυτές τις 2 μέρες το ιστορικό γκρουπ των Cirith Ungol , τους Night Demon…

Slået op af Classic cafe-bar ΔιωροφονSøndag den 25. februar 2018

18 / 100
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