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Luxi: By the way, did you ever record that one Cirith Ungol song while at the studio, which Mike talked about on the DVD?
Casey of Rigor Mortis: We had planned on recording a cover of the Cirith Ungol song “Nadsokor” but didn’t have time in the studio to do it. I am still bummed about that. Mike really wanted to do that song.
Speaking of Nadsokor, I have it on good authority that Texas Metal legends Rigor Mortis (Official) had talked about doing a cover of Nadsokor years ago, when Mike and Bruce were still alive (R.I.P.). I ran into bassist Casey Orr 4 or 5 years ago at Guitar Center and we chatted awhile. I was probably wearing one of my Cirith Ungol shirts, which sparked that part of the conversation…
FB, Steve Johnson of the band HYD and Of Deities and Dust.
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