Hey guys, Vern Green here, I have a band that I en…
cyberseo_rss_source: https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCA-1iX8nRk_8jw-y6DFOomg
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- π Hey guys, Vern Green here, I have a band that I en… (DuckDuckGo search or Google search or WP search or FB)
cyberseo_rss_source: https://www.youtube.com/feeds/videos.xml?channel_id=UCA-1iX8nRk_8jw-y6DFOomg
Hey guys, Vern Green here, I have a band that I engineered here in my studio in California, and wanted to turn you guys on to. They are pretty good, the singer is 16 years old with a huge future. More announcements coming soon I hope. | |||
Not my band by the way, a friend’s sons band, I just helped them out. | |||
What happened to this band? |
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