P 57 REA Pt 1 Us Metal
cyberseo_post_link: https://archive.org/details/p-rea-pt-1-us-metal
cyberseo_post_name: p-57-rea-pt-1-us-metal
cyberseo_rss_source: https://archive.org/advancedsearch.php?q=cirith+ungol&fl%5B%5D=identifier&sort%5B%5D=&sort%5B%5D=&sort%5B%5D=&rows=50&page=1&callback=callback&save=yes&output=rss
cyberseo_thumb_source: https://archive.org/services/get-item-image.php?identifier=p-rea-pt-1-us-metal&mediatype=audio&collection=opensource_audio
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cyberseo_post_link: https://archive.org/details/p-rea-pt-1-us-metal
cyberseo_post_name: p-57-rea-pt-1-us-metal
cyberseo_rss_source: https://archive.org/advancedsearch.php?q=cirith+ungol&fl%5B%5D=identifier&sort%5B%5D=&sort%5B%5D=&sort%5B%5D=&rows=50&page=1&callback=callback&save=yes&output=rss
cyberseo_thumb_source: https://archive.org/services/get-item-image.php?identifier=p-rea-pt-1-us-metal&mediatype=audio&collection=opensource_audio
Programa especial dedicado al US Metal desde sus inicios a finales de los 70´s hasta nuestros días. Pablo Mayoral de Corsarios del metal y Kikemaiden dan un repaso profundo a toda la evolución de uno de los movimientos menos conocidos dentro del metal pero mas interesantes con grupos como Manowr,….
This item has files of the following types: Archive BitTorrent, Columbia Peaks, Item Tile, Metadata, PNG, Spectrogram, VBR MP3