RT @MetalBlade: “…there’s some serious sword swinging power metal happening here…” – @outburnmag @CirithU • #HalfPastHuman
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- 🔍 RT @MetalBlade: “…there’s some serious sword swinging power metal happening here…” – @outburnmag @CirithU • #HalfPastHuman … (DuckDuckGo search or Google search or WP search or FB)
cyberseo_post_link: https://twitter.com/CirithU/status/1401391992500670469
cyberseo_rss_source: https://rss.app/feeds/Py359pW5xt7MnK5R.xml
RT @MetalBlade: “…there’s some serious sword swinging power metal happening here…” – @outburnmag @CirithU • #HalfPastHuman 🗡️: http://outburn.com/music-reviews/cirith-ungol-half-past-human/
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