Some of you may remember me mentioning that a very old short and snappy horror story of mine called "The Death of Halpin Chalmers" was meant to appear in an honest to goodness book called The Tindalos Cycle edited by Robert M. Price. The book is an anthology of Lovecraftian stories influenced and inspired by H.P. Lovecraft’s pal Frank Belknap Long. FBL is, by far, my fave of the Weird Tales stable of writers. "The Death of Halpin Chalmers" is heavily parodies the lives of both Long and Lovecraft, not to mention my pal, editor S.T. Joshi. More laughs than scares.

Below are two links to previous entries:

Well, folks, it appears that the book is now in production. Check out this link to the Hippocampus Press site for the cover art and full details:

The Tindalos Cycle

While I have yet to receive my copy, I’m really looking forward to sticking this one on ye olde shelves. All that after over a decade of waiting. The book changed hands from Chaosium to Hive Press, and finally to Hippocampus Press. No notation whether this one is a trade paperback or a hardcover. Guess we’ll have to wait on that one… post-fot…

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