We’re stoked to announce that…
cyberseo_post_link: http://www.theplanetofdoom.com/2018/05/11/2358/
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cyberseo_post_link: http://www.theplanetofdoom.com/2018/05/11/2358/
cyberseo_post_name: were-stoked-to-announce-that
cyberseo_rss_source: http://www.theplanetofdoom.com/feed/
We’re stoked to announce that artist Justin Mohlman has joined us on our trip to The Planet of Doom! He’ll be conjuring up color for the works of Burney, forging a deadly alliance as they have often done in the past (see pic above).
Justin has been working for almost two decades in the video game industry creating content for legacy franchises like Mortal Kombat and Tony Hawk. When he’s not shaping the minds of future artists with his quick wit and industry knowledge, he’s running his tattoo shop Code of Conduct Tattoo, coloring the epic work of Burney, and lending his creative eye as a contributing editor for Heavy Metal Magazine.