Zine Vibrations Of Doom Magazine/DOOM Radio • Issue Issue #58 • Chapter Interview with Rob and Tim via phone • Published Mon 30 Jul 2018

Issue #58
Interview with Rob and Tim via phone.

Need I say more? This interview was a little difficult to conduct, but suffice it to say this band is one I’ve been after for an interview for a VERY long time. And of course, the “One Foot In Hell” album was indeed the 1000th title to be incorporated into the classic album archives at the Vibrations Of Doom compound. You’re into metal, you KNOW about this band, so let’s just jump right into what is unarguably a feature interview in ANY music magazine!

(This interview starts out with a little history lesson from Rob)

Hey Steve, lemme tell you something you’ll crack up at, this is kind of historic and ironic. We’re actually playing in a room where we recorded the drums for “Paradise Lost,” but me and Tim are sitting in the room where we recorded “King Of The Dead,” “Frost And Fire,” and “One Foot In Hell,” the old studio. And what happened was the guy still has the studio, but he’s touring all over the world with other big bands and stuff, but the studio kinda sits idle for awhile. So it made perfect sense for us to kinda come back to where we actually started. We could throw a rock from where we’re sitting and hit our old band room. We’re back in the studio where it all began.

Right on. It’s kinda funny because the first album I ever heard from you guys was “One Foot In Hell.” And to me that was just a rockin’ album. You know, I was young back then…

Tim: So were we. (laughs).

Absolutely… But I was in high school listening to that record. And a lot of people I played that for, unfortunately I heard stuff like “ah, well, the guitar playing, the songs rock” but they couldn’t get past the voice and I was like “fuck y’all, the voice is perfect.”

Rob: Yeah, we’ve heard that a lot over the years; it’s always been a hit or miss thing. It is what it is. If you wanna tell true stories, though, there’s a buddy of mine from Canada, he said “hey, there’s this band Rush you gotta go check out right?” So we went down to L.A. and saw them at The Whiskey, and there was like no one there, just a few people and the guys in the band. We actually went backstage to meet them. But I mean no one’s there, no one’s heard of them, there’s no photos posted on facebook…

Tim: (sounding somewhat mocking) “They have a funny voice!”

Rob: So we get back home and I’m playing the record for people and they’re going “Oh my god, that guy’s voice sucks!” A lot of people said that, but they turned into some megagroup. We were friends with them for years, we only lost touch with them after we reached some level… it’s kinda hard to… Tim: But anyway, let’s get going with the interview here! (laughing here)

Rob: Yeah, no, no, but the other part of the story is, when we get to write all our fan mail and some guy wrote us a fan letter like he said “Man, I bought your album (it was probably “Frost And Fire” or “King Of The Dead”) man, your singer sucks so bad; I like your band but your singer is horrible.” You know, we sit there and answer fan mail three or four nights a week after band practice. And we are trying to like get in touch with whoever is listening to our music. Anyway, two or three weeks later we get a letter, and we didn’t realize it was the guy until we read it, but he said “I’m the guy remember I said you guys sucked, I’ve been listening to the album, and you guys are like my favorite band in the world now.

Tim: It’s like when you’re a kid and you drink beer for the first time, and you don’t like it, but it becomes an acquired taste.

It’s STILL an acquired taste… (laughing here)…

Rob: This is what’s funny; at that show we played the other night, we read two or three reviews, not just one, that Tim sounded better now than he did on the albums!

Wow. I wanted to ask you about that reunion show, because for a long time, a lot of people thought that would never happen. Of course, it’s really a shame that Jerry Fogle is no longer with us. But fast forward to 2016, everybody’s like “Wow, Cirith Ungol, they’re back together and they’re touring again!” I think a lot of people are still in shock that that’s actually happening.

Rob: Well, we’re not actually touring, we’re just doing selective things. It was just a twist of fate where everything came together perfectly to decide to get back together and play some more. It took a long time to get everything together. And it was about time to do it; it’s been fun so far. It was awesome; the turnout and everything, the support from the fans over the years. Plus a couple of promoters in Europe, and also Jarvis here in our hometown, they’ve been emailing me… I’m not saying I’m the guy that caused this to happen, but I was the guy that swore I’d never touch another drumstick as long as I live! (laughs) I got so burned out from the music industry.. We were together for 20 years and even though I thought we did some great stuff… here it feels like you’re swimming upstream but you’re swimming up the Niagra Falls, that’s how it felt to us.

So Jarvis, the bass player of Night Demon for three or four years kept bugging me “hey man, you gotta get back together, go to Europe, and everyone’s wearing Cirith Ungol shirts and they love your band,” and every year I’m like “Nope, nope, nope!” (laughing here). And then we put on this festival last year and like 1200 people came from all over the world and we sat there and did a meet and greet, signed autographs, and met some of these fans. First off, they’re all under 30, second, they’re like half girls, and the third thing is everyone knew every one of our songs. A lot of people are going to misinterpret this, you’ve read some reviews that said “oh yeah now they’re getting together only because there’s money there.” That had nothing to do with it! In fact, I have a drum set and if I played for 10 more years it wouldn’t even break even on the drum set I have now.

But the reason we got together, was the look in these kids’ eyes. When I say kids, they’re kids compared to us. But also, the pressure from people who said “Hey look, if you get together you know, you can play… Oliver offered to fly us over to Keep it True, and me and Tim went there last April. And it was just unbelievable… Everyone there knew who we were. There were thousands of people who knew me and Tim, even though we’ve aged a little bit. They knew, I mean in the middle of the night they knew who we were, in the dark! (much laughter here!) If this many people really like the band, why should we withhold the music from them? I know that sounds kinda idealistic and weird, but that’s the real reason we’re together is because people actually wanna hear us.

So it’s not all the girls that started getting into the band again? (laughing here).

Rob: Naw, no. (didn’t sound too sincere here – Ed). It doesn’t hurt, but no.

Europe’s got a LOT of them. And they love metal.

Tim: Not like here! (laughs).

Well, there’s some here too, it’s scattered. And that’s the realistic thing about trying to tour the States. It’s such a massive country and it’s really hard to pinpoint the areas where the biggest concentration of fans are. Everybody says “oh, L.A., you gotta go to New York.” The New Wave Of British Heavy Metal band Satan played here last weekend and it was so packed in there you couldn’t even move. People were shouting “Satan! Satan!” after EVERY song they played. It was in a little tiny club, kinda looks like a hole in the wall; the sound guy is in a closet basically. But they were saying they’ve done four shows and that was the best show they’ve done; they couldn’t see how the rest of the tour would even stack up!

Tim: Yeah, yeah. Actually went down and saw that, they were doing a little tour around here with Night Demon, our friends in Night Demon. It was over at the Roxy in L.A. It was the same thing there, they cram the club there, it was Satan, Night Demon and a couple of other bands. It was pretty cool; they got the same reaction there. Like you said, it’s like small pockets around the country where there’s like diehard metal fans. It’s not like it’s fully concentrated on New York or L.A. or something; there’s plenty of places where there’s clubs, and lots of things are happening. You gotta hit the right spots and the right clubs if you’re a metal band trying to make a living I guess.

Rob: Well, there’s some reviews on this show that we just played, which were positive, but also too overall on the whole festival (Frost And Fire fest – Ed.) a lot of guys were saying it’s one of the best festivals they’ve ever been to, plan wise. It’s like a block from the beach, beautiful weather. Down town Ventura, there’s like a hundred different restaurants, so anything you’d want to eat, you’re within 5 minutes walking distance. But, I gotta comment on this, when we’re doing the meet and greet the next day, people came all the way from Leningrad, Russia and from China to see the band, and yet there’s maybe like a handful of people from L.A. and maybe 2 people from our hometown. So a thousand people flew from all over the world to see us and yet people we know couldn’t even walk a block…

Tim: Well, that’s how it is, you know, nobody in your home town gives a shit about you anyway. That goes with any band anywhere.

Well, I’ve often heard an old saying that says a prophet is often revered anywhere but in his hometown. But Atlanta is like that too, though local Atlanta thrashers Sadistic Ritual they’re a killer thrash band. A lot of times they’ll pack the shows, other local bands, some people can’t be bothered. But nowadays, a lot of us have jobs, and families and responsibilities. Especially if shows are during the week, it’s really hard to do those. But a festival, that’s something you take time off for. (laughing here).

Tim: That’s a killer man, like in the middle of the week. And I go “Oh, I’d really like to go see them, oh, it’s on a wednesday, Aw, I gotta get up at like 5 in the morning!” (laughing.)

We gotta see about getting you guys over here to Atlanta, there’s always like ProgPower… I’m surprised you haven’t been contacted by ProgPower, because that thing in Atlanta sells out every year that it’s put on. That’s a festival that they announce the bands a year in advance, I’m sure if Cirith Ungol were to play that, it would sell out at the first mention of it.

Rob: We have heard of that festival, yeah. So… I dunno if we’d had any contact with them yet, or whatever. We know people that are involved in it. We’d really like to do that. We do have a couple of things that are booked for next year (which, 2018 is already here – Ed). We’re working on other stuff in the near future, and that’s a possibility. I’ve heard that’s a really good festival, and it’s actually getting to be not quite the prog thing; they’re doing a lot more metal and things like that. I’ve heard it’s really nice, successful and really cool.

They really go out on a limb. We went this year (2017 – late ass Ed again), and some of the after parties are notorious! You haven’t lived until you’ve tried Vodka soaked gummy bears (laughing). Fates Warning’s 30th anniversary of “Awaken The Guardian,” they played that in it’s entirety, and when they announced that tickets sold out in I think like nine hours. I could see Cirith Ungol as like a huge, heavy hitter for this thing.

Tim: Yeah, they actually did the same thing at Keep It True last year; Rob and I were over there. Yeah, things like that, the classic metal bands like you know, Fates Warning, Manilla Road, Omen, all those kinds of bands that do all the festivals and stuff; all the guys that I talked to said they agree, they really have a great time and it’s all about the fans and having fun.

Now, I wanted to go all the way back to 1979, when you guys put out that self titled demo. I just kinda wanted to get your thoughts on that: here you guys are, you’re a brand new band, you’re kinda just starting around. What was going through your head at the time; did you ever think that this band would be doing shows and playing 30 years later?

Tim: We didn’t really put out a “demo” demo, our first demo was “Frost And Fire.” That was never supposed to be a general release to the public; that was supposed to be a demo for us to shop around and try to get a record deal. Because everybody else at the time was sending out cassettes… I don’t know if anybody reading this knows what a cassette used to be (laughing here). Everbody was sending cassettes to record companies and they’d throw them in the trash, or they’d tape over them with their kid’s play stuff. So we decided to make a record to show the record companies what we could do and what it would look like and things like that. Then it just kinda steamrolled into getting released. It’s a long story and somewhat well known; I don’t wanna get into it here.

Rob: I think where you might be getting confused, Steve, since the band broke up there’s been a long history of bootlegs coming out. The only other thing we did before “Frost And Fire,” we put out… They call it the orange cassette. And some of that stuff ended up on “Servants Of Chaos,” like some of the early songs that Tim sang on like ‘High Performance,’ ‘Last Laugh,’ stuff like that. But that was a cassette that we were trying to do the same thing. We were sending this out to all the record companies, and we’d never get a response or anything. So we thought, if we do a record and we get good artwork, good photographs; you know, do a proper recording. That way when we hand that to someone…

And what’s really funny, we were probably the first band to do that… Not ever, but during that era. Then right after we did it, then the Motley Crue’s, Metal Massacre I, Brian put out his first thing on his own record label. We were the first band in L.A. to actually put out a record that was completely self produced and paid for by the band. The funny thing about that was, people say “hey, did you get any air play?” Well, there’s a big local, kinda hard rock station in L.A. and on Monday night they played new bands or whatever. We sent them the album and they played ‘I’m Alive’ and ‘Frost And Fire.’ We’re all sitting around the radio listening to it, we’re all excited. Then the next day I talked to the guy and he goes “man, that’s way too heavy for us to play!” (MUCH laughter here).


Rob: I mean, this is the station that’s playing Black Sabbath, Deep Purple or whatever. That’s where we kinda decided to do “King Of The Dead.” All the songs off “Frost And Fire” were written by Greg, and we had a bunch more songs that we all wrote together. But he tended to write songs that were more, we thought had more commercial… Like if people listen to them like ‘Edge Of The Knife,’ or ‘Better Off Dead’ or something.

Tim: It was a big cross section of stuff we were doing. Just to show people what we could do. Our heavy stuff, our not so heavy stuff, instrumentals, the whole thing. It’s just a weird thing.

I’m looking at the track listing for the orange album, and you see a song like ‘High Speed Love,’ ‘Route 666,’ and ‘We Know You’re Out There.’

Rob: that’s a bootleg tape. Like I said we just put a cross section of all that stuff on “Frost And Fire.” They’re all about or around that time though.

Tim: are you looking at an album?

(Laughing heavily here) Oh, I wish!

Tim: The thing you’re talking about, is it an LP?

Rob: No, no he’s looking at a track list and it’s probably online you’re looking at it right?

You know, it’s amazing that there’s so much information online.

Rob: Oh my god, we did an interview with a guy in Poland last week, and he knew our underwear sizes! (MUCH laughter here). Matter of fact, he was asking so many pointed and detailed questions that were semi-secret… Well, not secret but not well known.

Tim: You have to dig through like all kinds of interviews to find these references to some of the stuff he was asking, which was really weird. This guy must have like a private investigator tracking us down or something.

Rob: He knows so much about us, why did he have to ask us any questions? He knew everything that no one else knew, it was kinda funny.

I kinda do things a little differently in the interviews… You can only ask the same music related questions 30 – 40 thousand times. On the other end of the spectrum, these are people with ideologies, and philosophies and things like that. There’s so much more beyond just the music. You wanna know about the music, you can listen to the music or you can read the lyrics. There’s so many interesting things to talk about, and I think a lot of music magazines miss that.

I’ve been doing Vibrations Of Doom for 25 years, and I just got to the point where, yeah, it’s cool to read about how somebody recorded an album and things like that. You start talking about lyrics, you start getting into kind of a deeper ideology that I think a lot of publications miss the opportunity for, you know what I’m saying?

Tim: We had a thing in the local paper here, right before the last festival, and the guy’s been doing it for like 20 – 30 years also. And he got to the point where all he does is turn a tape recorder on and ask a question, and then just types up the thing. He doesn’t go through and go “oh, this is what he meant,” He doesn’t go through and…

Rob: Analyze it…

Tim: No, not analyze, but you know, just write whatever the hell you say and just put it on paper. Taking no time and no effort behind it. I’m kinda glad you said that because that kinda give us confidence. It was weird reading those off the cuff remarks and the guy just put them in there…

Rob: A lot of times I say dumb shit! (much laughter here from everyone)

Tim: I don’t wanna print that out loud, but Rob will talk off the top of his head and say “hey this is off the record,” but the guy would actually print it “hey this is off the record but blah, blah, blah. ” You read that and you’re kinda going “hey, that was supposed to be off the record.” You’re not supposed to print that and put the comment in there, you know!

You know, it’s one of things a lot of people talk about, and I hate to use this word with you guys, but a lot of people talk about the “classic” bands, whether it be metal or rock. And how these bands will get back together and everyone will go “Aw, you know, I remember those hits” and everything. But they “well, we got some new stuff,” and it seems like nobody wants to hear those new songs. They get stuck in nostalgia, but the true fans are the ones that are gonna want to go “hey, new album, I took it and I listened to it for 3 hours or whatever and there’s some great songs on it.” It’s kinda like a double edged sword, you know?

Tim: You’re right about that. I feel the same way when I go to see bands. You go to see a band and you’re like “aw, man they’re playing those three or four songs, why didn’t they play those three or four from back in the day that are so much better.” I mean, you kinda gotta move along; hopefully the stuff that we’re gonna be doing in the future is gonna back up everything that we’ve done in the past. I don’t think anyone’s gonna have a problem with that. We wouldn’t do it if we didn’t think it was up to whatever standards, or low standards we may have (laughing here) for ourselves. We’ll just integrate it with the classics of course when we go out and play.

Rob: Plus, our style is so unique and weird, you know. Between my completely unorthodox drumming style and Tim’s voice, and Greg wrote a lot of our songs in the band. Our stuff is gonna be so weird that people are gonna like it. Who would say “I don’t wanna hear ‘Black Beast Of Blood.’ (laughing here).

Tim: I don’t wanna get too crazy, but we probably have 20 songs that were never recorded, or recorded right… We’re gonna be pretty selective about what we do, but we’ll probably throw something old in there and redo it.

I was kinda curious, I remember for a lot of people, especially people that got into the band a lot earlier than I did. And like I said, “One Foot In Hell” is my favorite album. It’s just where I was at the time. I think where I was at the time… This is gonna sound weird. I probably wasn’t mature enough at the time to appreciate all the things that were going on with “Frost And Fire” and “King Of The Dead.” You know, because you do have the progressive elements. I like the extended instrumental jam sessions. You’ve got a LOT of doom metal influence over there which people completely overlook when it comes to Cirith Ungol. And then you’ve got these guitars, which sounded like they were recorded in the 70’s. Like that vintage, warm, kinda… I don’t know how to describe it but that analog sound, you know what I’m saying? And that’s where I was at with your whole discography.

Didn’t get to hear “Paradise Lost,” unfortunately, but that’s one I’m going to have to track down.

Tim: Those are jam songs too, like ‘War Eternal’ and ‘One Foot In Hell.’ Yeah, you know, that’s a great album too; I know what you’re saying; it was just more straight ahead than the other ones I think. I think what you mean as far as… And more straight ahead like kind of a metal record instead of a little bit more progressive or whatever you want to say. I don’t know about… In the doom thing, we’ve been called everything from the godfathers of epic doom metal to the worst heavy metal band that ever existed. So, you know, we’re somewhere in between… Somewhere in between lies the truth. We take it all as just an honor to even be mentioned, and glad that people still wanna hear us and see what we are doing.

Rob: It’s amazing also too that the people know our songs. I told this story to one of the other guys, when we were over at KIT (Keep It True – Ed.) it was really dark, we were over at the back of this building, 1 o’clock in the morning, these guys with leather jackets, chains… They seemed like a pretty rowdy group. They were very drunk, and I looked at Tim like this is gonna either end very badly or we were gonna make it through this right? We get up to them and they turn around and they point and they go “Tim Baker.” This was one in the morning, nobody even had a cell phone light, right? It’s just like dark like you were in an alley. They recognized me and they busted into singing ‘Frost And Fire’ word for word! And this was our first night in Germany, and I was like “oh my god!” So we thought we were gonna get beat up and they ended up like hugging us!

So where do you see the new album going stylistically? Do you have any lyrics, song titles or teasers you could throw at us? (laughing). Now you’ve got me all excited for a new Cirith Ungol album.

Tim: We’re working on tracks in here, stuff worked up into our set. We’re not giving it a timetable for anything new. We can’t really be giving away anything like that. I’ve written tons of lyrics, we have that down. Hopefully it will be in the not too distant future.

Stylistically, we want it to be representing Ungol. We’ve progressed from “King Of The Dead,” “One Foot In Hell” and that kinda stuff. We want it to be along the same lines… Heavy!

Rob: We were talking to the guys in Rush and Alex once said “I wanna make the heaviest music that we can.” And I remember the next album was “2112” and I really liked that. But if you listen to their things; and they’re fantastic musicians, but they kinda got into more experimental, progressive music. But I wanna kick it down into the gutter. I wanna take this stuff…

Tim: I want it to be more doomy…

Rob: Yeah… If you listen to “Frost And Fire” and “King Of The Dead” our answer was if that’s too heavy, well look, THIS is our heavy shit. I wanna put out something that makes “Frost And Fire” looks like, kinda like a children’s lullaby.


Tim: I wanna do something that’s so heavy that guys go “wow.” We’re gonna have to have a parental label on the thing… (laughing here).

Well, you know, you could probably try incorporating some elements of some of the more extreme forms, like black metal. I got frustrated with death metal because a lot of the bands got too goofy, and tried too hard to be unintelligible with the vocal style. And then black metal came along, and it took me a long time to really get into it. But to me, the way the forebearers of the scene discussed the ideologies of black metal and everything: to me it was really a PROPER evolution; they were trying to do something different, they weren’t trying to regurgitate everything in the past. They said “fuck the normal way of doing things.” Metal has always been a genre that’s about breaking the rules, you know?

Rob: I’m sure you’ve seen the banger film thing on whatever it was… Not MTV or whatever. It was all the history of metal, it kinda had a flow chart of all the subgenres of the genres of the other kind of genres of metal that have branched off over the years. It’s funny really when you think about it; it all kinda comes from what, Black Sabbath really.

Yeah, yeah, even Pentagram too from the 70’s.

Tim: Greg’s band he was in for awhile, Falcon, actually had the singer for them on one of the tracks. It’s all kind of a weird seven degrees of separation thing with all the metal bands and genres and stuff. I was never really into like the death metal or the thrash or all that kind of stuff. I’m not saying there’s not good bands that DO that kind of stuff. You listen to our stuff and that’s not really what we were into. I’ve seen a lot of bands and I’m friends with a lot of guys that are doing that stuff. Anything metal, for me as long as it’s good, it’s done well, it’s cool with me, man, I love it.

I guess with the talk about a new album; you did a long stint with Metal Blade Records for awhile. Is there any chance you guys might go back to them? It would be so easy to deal with Metal Blade considering they’re kinda practically in your backyard! (laughing)

Tim: To be honest, the Metal Blade that’s really been taking care of us is the guys in Europe, in Germany. They’re the guys that just re-released “Paradise Lost.” Unbelievable packaging. They remastered it separately for the LP’s, for the CD, and like a 12 page color booklet. I don’t know if you’ve seen it. The albums come in 4 different colors of marble vinyl. They have our whole catalog right now. That would be the perfect thing for us, but I gotta tell you this; we have management now and stuff. What we’re gonna do is whatever’s best for the band.

We love Metal Blade; Brian (Slagel, founder of Metal Blade – Ed) recently picked us as one of the top 11 bands, or releases, that he ever put out in the entire history of his record label. That was a pretty fantastic honor. In fact we were on there twice because he picked his first album “Metal Massacre One,” which we did ‘Death Of The Sun’ on. So we were the only band that was on his list twice. He picked ‘King Of The Dead’ also. They have our whole catalog and they’re taking care of us and stuff.

My hope would be that we do something with them. What we gotta do is we gotta look out for whatever’s really best for the band. And I think what’s best for the band would be for us to stick together and our longevity, and putting out some more material. Whatever we do, it’s not gonna be weak. Now, are we gonna evolve, possibly… But you know, evolution is something that happens whether you want it to or not. You know, like people grow an extra thumb or something (laughing).

They’re gonna hear it and say “That’s Cirith Ungol.” They’re not gonna say “well, that’s the NEW Cirith Ungol,” they’re gonna say “wow, that sounds like classic Cirith Ungol.

Getting back to the essence of who and what you guys are.

Tim: Yes, exactly. We may even play one of our songs backwards note for note. (MUCH laughter from all of us). I’m just kidding…

Rob: That’s off the record. (More laughter here).

(We started talking a little bit about paganism and vegetarianism. Some of the stuff I passed on)… It is a shame we can’t get into discussions on things like that. When it comes to politics, I tend to leave that stuff alone, but I mean…

Rob: I tell you what, if we do make it to ProgPower sometime, we’ll hoist a couple of pints about that and have a good discussion… probably off the record though…

I do think we need to take a look at what’s going on with this planet that we live on… ‘Doomed Planet’ is definitely… You start talking about the environment and stuff, you get people who go “Oh, damn hippies and tree huggers…” Dude, you don’t go around and trash your house; it’s where you gotta live.

Rob: Hey, Steve, check this out. I was at a party last night; it’s like October, almost November. It was like 85, 90 degrees last night at like 11 o’clock at a party. We live in an area that hasn’t rained here in 8 years. Now it sprinkled last night, just to get the pavement wet. But that was the first time in probably 12 months. All our lakes are completely empty, there’s no ground water left, there’s…

Tim: (interrupting) ‘We’re gonna bleed, man!’ (MUCH laughter here).

(MUCH laughter here). Sorry man, didn’t mean to cut you off.

Rob: I just put a plug in here, I was endorsed by Paiste cymbals. And I got made one of the most unbelievable drum sets on earth. It’s made out of solid oak and they painted it solid red on the outside. I dunno it’s…

Tim: what’s that gotta do with ‘Doomed Planet?’ (MUCH laughter here from all of us).

Well, the drummer’s gotta talk about his kit, man, come on! (laughing here again).

Rob: When the band was broke up, I never really wanted to STOP playing drums. Every single night I’d wake up in the middle of the night, for the last 25 years, having nightmares or dreams about the band. Like we’re getting back together, recording an album, I’m getting a drum set. I’d work on cars and do stuff like that. And everytime I’d see a cymbal stand or something I’d get really excited. But when the band got back together, what got me really turned on was not only playing drums again but being around all the hardware…

Tim: The gong!!

Rob: The gong. Like an 80 inch gong, my wife said she’ll leave me if I get it, the guys in the band said they’ll quit the band if I get it, and the other guy said he won’t help me carry it…

Tim: Nobody in the world needs an 80 inch gong (much laughter here).

Rob: Then I said well, a 60 inch gong, and they’re like, same thing.

It’s kinda funny you mention that. You talk about a lot of signs and seeing stuff like that; I tend to believe that if you’re in tune, the universe tends to speak to you a little bit. I see signs and stuff like that all the time.

People talk about pre manifested destiny and things like that. I really think that people are on a path and sometimes you can learn to read… It’s just like going out in nature, you can… Okay, I can see this trail where this person… I don’t think we’re really in TUNE with our environment, our reality, where we’re at at a certain place and time, you know what I’m saying?

Tim: Yeah, I agree totally. I think what’s funny though, I think some people can, when you look back in time, whether it’s Jules Verne or other science fiction writers… Phillip Dick… or whatever. They kinda semi foresee the future before the rest of us do.

Rob: My point is though, it’s like you don’t have to not believe in something not for it to happen… Not for it… you know (pauses to think about what he actually said – Ed.) Like people may not believe Cirith Ungol’s gonna have a new album out, but when it hits the shelf… Oh shit! It’ll be like a ripple through the time continuum. (laughter here).




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