Song Forever Black • Performed by Cirith UngolRecorded Fri 24 Apr 2020

On releases (1 numbers or more)

Gigs/concerts (4 numbers or more)


Born into an endless nightmare
A prosody of filth and lies
A sunken dream of grim illusion
Compromise and alibis

Nowhere to hide the truth, nowhere to hide the pain
Hope is washed away in the jet-black rain

Look into my eyes
Reflect the darkened skies
Look into my soul
Forever black
Forever black

Born into a black forever
We live in fear of what will come
Hand in hand we cry together
And reap the nightmares that we’ve sown

Nowhere to hide the truth, nowhere left to hide the pain
Hope is washed away by jet black rain

Look into my eyes
Reflect the darkened skies
Look into my soul
Forever black
Forever black

A tragic race to disillusion
Our choice of heroes badly made
They lead us now into temptation
And turn our future toward the grave

Look into my eyes
Reflect the darkened skies
Look into my soul
Forever black
Forever black

Forever black
Forever black
Forever black
Forever black
Forever black
Forever black
Forever black
Forever black
Forever black
Forever black

Check it out here:
Forever Black (2020)

From released Forever Black (2020).

Forever Black (demo)

From released Forever Black (2020) box set.

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Forever Black

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