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Artist Calvin Meuser
• Birth β Thu 07 Apr 1966 (58 years, 11 months, 5 days, 21524 total living days)

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- White Tape Demo (1987)
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- π Calvin Meuser (DuckDuckGo search or Google search or WP search or FB)
I was part of the Prophecy road crew around 1983-84. … We were going to record old songs from the 80s. The plan now is to use old recordings and potentially remix them (Calvin Meuser)
- Road crew: Prophecy (1983/4)
- Contempt – Blatant Disrespect (Demo), FB (1989)
- members are Joe Young (No Remorse, Crawl 420, Needlemouth), Tim Heath (Friction Addiction), Calvin Meuser and Mike Corridan.
- Torre – Demo (1989)
- members are Mychelle Torre, Ron Leutbecher, Tony Maramonite, Calvin Meuser. Additional: Craig Fraser, Josquin des Pres and Barry Rudolph.
- The Allegations (Mar 2018?)
- members are Greg Derengowski, Mike Arambel, Frankie Budroe (Asylum), Don Alejandro and Calvin Meuser.
- Intentional Rage, FB (Feb 2019?)
- members are Wray Gould, Patricia Portillo, Lenny Gardner (Skullkrusher, Addictive Suicide, Soundcloud) and Calvin Meuser.
- Fallen Saints, FB (Oct 2019?)
- members are Courtney Darrough, Greg White, Calvin Meuser and Robert McKinley.
- played together with Soup Hat on some of the gigs.
- Free Love Project 805
- members are Darren “Zorba” Gilbert Cruz, Tal, Karson Bobby, Jess, Calvin Meuser and Lee.
- Tim, Calvin, Rob
- Rob, Calvin
- Tim, Calvin
- Jim, Calvin
- Prophecy, 2016
- Calvin and Rob
- Calvin and Tim
- Calvin at Casa de Soria in Ventura
- Calvin at Casa de Soria in Ventura (2)
- At Casa de Soria in Ventura (picture is Vern, Rob, Jim and Tim)
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