Band Rotten Netherlands the (NL)

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You have reached the realm of Rotten. Old School death-metal with a sickening twist!
Check out this myspace to keep yourself informed about the latest gigs, releases and info on the band.

.. .. This is what Ed Warby (Hail of Bullets, Demiurg, Gorefest, Ayreon) had to say about ROTTEN: .. ..Rotten play good old fashioned death metal built around a murderous groove and killer hooks, as effective as a sledgehammer blow to the head. Listening to their brutal brand of aural carnage you can almost imagine them gleefully hacking and carving their way through a pile of mangled corpses with twisted grins on their bloodsmeared mugs… it ain’t pretty, but it’s great fun for the entire flesh-eating family! …. .. Rotten was given birth by Hans and Martijn. In the summer of 2002 the duo wrote “Butchering of a Body” in just one day. A few months later they decided to record this song in a professional studio. Rotten was a fact and the first recording was history! .. .. Its not ROTTENs goal to invent a new original style, gain worldfame or express high-standard musicianship. All they want to do is write heavy songs with a catchy chorus, that people can easily recall. .. Razorblade Mutilation was first recorded in 2003. A track to slice your throat and groove … More songs were written over the years and Rotten decided to take the act a step further. A search started to find new musicians and first Marco was found to do the drum-duties. Then Tommy joined the ranks… A solid bassman that you can..t ignore! Finally Robb read one of the Rotten Bulletins and after a few rehearsals it became clear that he is the man for Rotten. .. .. In the winter of 2009, Rotten recorded their first cd as a complete band. It became a promo featuring 4 songs. The band got some good review and some killer gigs out of that. .. .. Currently the band is searching for a new guitar player, since founder Hans has left the band. In the meantime the band continues on full throttle and is recording new songs for the “Quality Killings” album. When a new guitar player has been found and the album is released (winter of 2010), the band will hit the stage again. Be sure to check them out at one of the future gigs…… .. .. .. .. Some of Rotten’s other releases: .. .. Rotten was asked to do an instrumental medley for the official tribute to Cirith Ungol album, One foot in Fire, out on Solemnity Records now! …… .. .. The song ..Butchering of a Body.. is out on Blown to Pieces 4 on FearSome Records. …… .. .. Rotten also did its own furious and dirty version of the song Slaughterhouse for the Manilla Road tribute album, out on Solemnity Records. (Written by Rotten Online)


The song Cirith Ungol Overture is instrumental

later then they added and changed the lineups, until the have gradually disappeared:

  • RobertΒ W. – vocals
  • Hans P. Kuurstra – guitar (see above)
  • Martijn van den Bergen – guitars (also in Reborn)
  • Tommy Jongenelen – bass (also in Reborn)
  • Marco – drums (also in Reborn)
  • John – guitar

    Mastered by Dan SwanΓΆ. / Rotten Online @ MySpace
    Roosendaal, Noord-Brabant, Netherlands
    Started and disappear around 2002 – 2014, or few years earlier/later.

    Some of the members was later in the band Reborn.

    • Rotten – Overture, album One Foot In Fire – A Tribute To Cirith Ungol (v/a, Solemnity Music – SOL-M 008, 2005)
      • Hans K. – guitar, Martijn B. – guitars
    • Rotten – Butchering Of A Body, album Blown To Pieces 4 (v/a, FearSome Records – FSR 006, 2006)
    • Rotten –Β Slaughterhouse, album The Riddle Masters – A Tribute to Manilla Road (v/a, Solemnity Music – SOL-M011, 2007)
    • Rotten – Leaving Hell, album HelloRay – Helloween & Gamma Ray Tribute (v/a Epicus Records – ER.009, 26 Mar 2012)
      • Hans K. – guitar, Marco – drums,Β Martijn B. – guitars, Robert W. – vocals,Β Tommy J. – bass
    Splatter Patterns EP (2008, unfinished)
    1. HeadChopper
    2. n/a

    Excess Studios in Rotterdam, Netherlands.

    Promo 2009 (2009)
    1. HeadChopper
    2. Slaughtered at the Station
    3. Choked On Vomit
    4. Shovel Slayer

    All songs written, performed and arranged by Rotten. Recorded at the Reborn studios – December 2008. Mixed & mastered by stick.

    Quality Killings (2009/2010, unfinished 1)

    Rotten Quality Killings Rotten | Cirith Ungol Online

    1. HeadChopper
    2. Slaughtered at the Station
    3. Butchering of a Body
    4. Razorblade Mutilation
    5. Choked on Vomit
    6. The Shovel-Slayer
    7. Dead’s War
    8. Splatter Patterns
    9. Murderer
    Quality Killings (2009/2010, unfinished 2)
    1. Headchopper
    2. Slaughtered at the Station
    3. Shovel Slayer
    4. Assassinated and Buried
    5. Butchering of a Body
    6. Fragrance of Death
    7. Razorblade Mutilation
    8. Dead’s War
    9. The Morgue
    10. Human Insanity
    11. Bonus track

    We weren’t happy with the result of some older songs, so we’ve cancelled them” according to bassist Tommy.



    Rest in Peace, Hans P. Kuurstra, 2017

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