Band Spontaneous Combustion

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Spontaneous Combustion was an American music group founded in 1986. They performed what they called “bluerock”, a bluegrass/rock musicfusion. The band consisted of Roger Eilts (guitar, vocals), Leo Eilts (bass, vocals), Scott Prowell (mandolin, banjo, dobro, vocals) and Marvin Gruenbaum (violin, vocals). Greg Lake (known for the band ELP) was producer. They often were billed as The Spontaneous Combustion Bluegrass Band or when they performed with former members ofΒ Total Strangers as Spontaneous Combustion/Total Strangers. They were a popular act at the Sante Fe Trails Bluegrass Festival and the Walnut Valley Festival.
Cirith Ungol has played covers ofΒ Spontaneous Combustion. Unfortunately I have no info about which, when and where.
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