Zine HardRockCore • Published Fri 10 Apr 2020

WARNING: This was an engaging conversation (lots of industry talk and current state of affairs talk) so please listen and pick up a copy of their latest release.

CIRITH UNGOL bassist JARVIS LEATHERBY had a conversation with me, HardRockCore, to discuss whatโ€™s happening in the world as they are about to release their latest album on Metal Blade Records entitled, FOREVER BLACK. Jarvis was an engaging conversation that was an open book on who Jarvis is as a lot of talk centered on our current state of affairs of COVID-19 such as going out in public, shaking hands, and washing hands, from Jarvis being in the hospital for 5 days at the start of the outbreak, as well as what musicians can/canโ€™t do at the moment as well as touched on the topic of what Live Streams of Live Shows can do to the artist and possibly keep the fans at home even longer.

A conversation with Jarvis Leatherby of Cirith Ungol (error)



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