Artist Karl Edward Wagner United States of America (USA) (US) Birth ♐Wed 12 Dec 1945 (48 years, 10 months, 2 days, 17838 living days) • R.I.P. Fri 14 Oct 1994 (79 years, 2 months, 27 days, 28944 total living and posthumous days)
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Karl Edward Wagner was an American writer, poet, editor, and publisher of horror, science fiction, and heroic fantasy, who was born in Knoxville, Tennessee and originally trained as a psychiatrist. As an editor, he created a three-volume set of Robert E. Howard’s Conan the Barbarian fiction restored to its original form as written, and edited the long-running and genre-defining The Year’s Best Horror Stories series for DAW Books (1974-94). Fun facts of non-Cirith stuff of the books:


I was also pretty much influenced by the books I was reading at the time like the β€œElric” and β€œConan” series. Although I had not read much at the time I am reading quite a bit of H.P. Lovecraft now. His stories are fantastic!!! Another book that comes to mind is β€œBloodstone” by Karl Edward Wagner.



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Darkness Weaves


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