Band Wicked Lester United States of America (USA) (US)
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Wicked Lester


    Yesterday, We found a cassette tape from 1984 of Kurtis, Pete Vollmer and I jamming at a party. The cassette was actually found by my friend who was demolishing my old barn with his giant excavator οΏΌto make room and he spotted a box of cassette tapes in the rubble. He pulled them out for me. They would have been gone to history forever. Over 39 years old and still playable. It’s Crazy how things come out. Or is my phone listening to me? Is the universe saying something? And this picture and post just suddenly pops up? 😲 (Mind blown)

    Got no pictures. And the one video has gotten lost.Β 

    – Mark Meister, 21 Oct 2023

    Note: there is different band named also Wicked Lester (1970-73), from Kiss had their famous for.

    This picture are from Sykotik Sinfoney.




    • Mark Meister
    • Ronny Appoldt
    • (another members)?
    Sykotik Sinfoney

    Sykotik Sinfoney, archive, CUO, archives, 1989-1994

    Bad Channel – soundtrack (Track 7+8) and Bad Channel – movie (1992). Most of it had the songs Blue Γ–yster Cult.

    SyKoTiK sInFoNeY, was a quirky American comedy heavy metal/punk rock musical group. They formed in 1988 under the short-lived name, Dycondra’s. During this time they dressed in their usual street clothes but hired a variety of performers like jugglers and female dancers to perform with them on stage.
    They quickly changed their band name and dropped the extra performers who proved to be unreliable on the road.

    The first instance of these costumes was a show in which the performers did not show up. However, the group found a bag of costumes and promptly donned them. They became known as Sykotik Sinfoney and began to perform live wearing a variety of strange costumes, such as a nun, a devil, and a clown.

    Sometime in early 1994, the band broke up. Their only official appearance was on the Bad Channels soundtrack. However, the band did over 450 shows in two years… This site is a tribute to probably one of the greatest unknown bands of all time. (official text)

    27 / 100
    Support the artists, improve your metal collection, buy records or merchandise of Sykotik Sinfoney πŸ›’

    Sykotik Sinfoney had shops before:
    Sykotik Sinfoney’s Eargasm CD
    Sykotik Sinfoney – Live Ventura Theater DVD
    Sykotik Sinfoney – Live Palomino Club DVD
    Sykotik Sinfoney – Live at FM Station DVD
    Sykotik Sinfoney – Live at Troubadour DVD
    Sykotik Sinfoney – Live at Weathered Wall DVD
    Sykotik Sinfoney – Live The Central DVD
    Jackson Sinfoney – Live FM Station DVD 12/30/1993

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