Many of you have already read my or Kegan’s various updates elsewhere on the web about Moonshine, but for those who haven’t… Moonshine has disbanded. Yes, you read that right. Moonshine has called it a day. I co-founded the band with three other Sydney musicians towards the end of August 2009. The name Moonshine was at the top of Kegan’s list (the other guitarist/vocalist). All four of us concocted names, but Moonshine seemed to fit the style we were playing to a “T.” We played several gigs, and it was fun to hop up on stage for an audience again after a bit of a break. But it became very clear recently that things weren’t clicking enough to continue. So, yeah, it was high-time to move on. No doubt you’ll catch each of us in our other musical endeavors for a long time to come. Sometimes things work, in other cases they don’t. Again, cheers to all who came to the gigs and or showed your support online. 

I was worried that having a band with local guys was going to delay the third Falcon album. Now Falcon album no. 3 will happen sooner than expected. Falcon is very near and dear to me. That’s the understatement of the century. There is a chemistry, a vibe, a magic (okay, I don’t believe in the supernatural, but…) and also a mutual respect that exists whenever I jam with Greg Lindstrom and Darin McCloskey. And whenever the three of us record with Chris Kozlowski behind the board (desk), the rockin’ vibe is always preserved in its loud and raw form!

Likewise, stay tuned for more updates on my Oz-based adventures in music.

Heavy Rockin’ Raw!



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