Song Heaven Help Us • Performed by Cirith UngolRecorded 1991

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As I gaze into my crystal ball, I II tell you what I see,
Slowly but surely it s genocide, the fate that we shall meet.
We say we are the civilized, none as advanced as we,
Seeking the knowledge of space and time,
as we poison the earth, the sea, and sky…

All we see is the ground beneath our feet, never looking twice,
Take a look around the world at all the ignorant sacrifice.
Profit was the main thing on our agenda through all of the years,
never thought twice about a living thing or
all of the future tears we II cry.

The fact is without a doubt,
Our time is running out,
Heaven help us.

Tons of acid and toxic waste, are dumped in the air we breathe,
Millions of barrel of nuclear waste, beneath the earth and sea,
The price of pollution cannot be set, it s an unworldly cost.
The damage is done and we cannot forget, the senseless
And needless lost of life…

Slowly building up, like a time bomb ticking away,
No one seems to care, that our world is wasting away.
Someday we II be sorry and we’ll have ourselves to blame,
No one wants to admit the fact that we live our lives in vain
To die.

Check it out here:

Music & Lyrics: Robert Warrenburg

AΒ quite untypical and more commercial sounding Cirith Ungol-song. It was written and sung by the bassplayer RobΒ Warenburg who left before the album was released. Another untypical song on this album is Go It Alone. Both of the songs has a crystal ball in their lyrics.

A song about the sad fact that mankind are slowly destroying the earth, and seems to be dealing with the same issues as Doomed Planet from the previous album One Foot In Hell.

The guitarist Joe Malatesta’s song was “The Troll” and the bass player Bob Warenburg’s song was “Heaven Help Us”. Although these songs really were not our style we really had no choice.

Robert Garven

Rob: This was a song the bass player Bob brought when he joined the band after Flint left. (See my comments above about these three songs.)

Jim: A song that was written by Bob Warrenburg. It is definitely a song that struck me as being influenced by Iron Maiden. A song about man destroying himself, his own planet, and everything on it. It actually becomes more and more relevant as time passes. In today’s times even more so. I did the first half of the main solo. And Joe ended the second half with the wah effect.

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