Song The Fire • Performed by Cirith UngolRecorded 1986

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Forging the fire last chance to fight
Demons of evil at one with the night
Kingdoms of greed from the blood of man
Vampires all, bring them down if we can


Forging the fire not alone in the fight we’re at one with the night

Stealing from beggars their stock in trade
Nowhere to run the judgement’s been made
Fleeing from vengeance like dogs on the run
Search and destroy bring them down one by one


Driving the demons the iron hand
Standing together the throne of man
Forging the fire not alone in the fight
Hard stand the victors at one with the night

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Not to be confused with Fire on the Paradise Lost album.

From releaseΒ One Foot In HellΒ (1986/1999).

A blistering heavy track in the form of “The Fire” follows unleashing a monstrous guitar riff from Jerry that’s guaranteed to band any head.

King Fowley, liner notes, Jan 1999

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One Foot In Hell

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