76 years ago today: Frank Brunner was born. Congratulations! πŸŽ‚
Artist Matt Baker United States of America (USA) (US) Birth β™Œ Sat 27 Jul 1991 (33 years, 6 months, 25 days, 12263 total living days)

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Matt Baker (Buster Matthews, SpaceboyMB or Matthew Preston Baker), son of Tim Baker. His cartoon done by JD Rowe. Matt’s name day is 21 September.

John Sleepwalker:Β Cirith Ungol’s current line-up is as close as it gets to the real deal (since Jerry Fogle has passed away…). Michael β€œFlint” Vujea is the only person missing. How important did it feel that everyone should be back together? And how did Jarvis Leatherby join the band?

Tim: It was very important to get as many of the members involved in the reunion, as otherwise it just would not feel right! When it became apparent thatΒ FlintΒ was not going to be a part of it, we were more than happy forΒ JarvisΒ to come in on bass – he is a great guy and a great player too. I also want to mention that my sonΒ MatthewΒ is filling in on bass at most of our practices sinceΒ JarvisΒ andΒ Night DemonΒ are such road warriors, and don’t be surprised if he shows up on stage sometime!



  • High Speed Love was first made available for streaming at Matt Baker’sΒ The Cirith Ungol LegionΒ MySpace group (dead link).


https://www.facebook.com/1424332173/videos/10215318966153783/ (error now)

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