Artist Patrick W. Engel Germany (DE) Birth β™Š Wed 19 Jun 1974 (50 years, 6 months, 2 days, 18448 total living days)

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Die Wontcha and Witch’s Game is Mastered By Patrick W. Engel. In addition he is in various bands like Hatespawn, Signum Diabolis, Cenotaph, and so on.

Temple of Disharmony

July 6, 2018:
Currently I am working for the following bands: ARC (audio restoration & mastering), CIRITH UNGOL (mastering for vinyl), THE COME AND GOGO’S (mastering), BLOOD (audio restoration & mastering), FRENZY (mastering).

April 13, 2018:
This month, my ears are very busy with the following projects:
SPANCER (mastering for vinyl), NECROWRETCH (mix & mastering), S.D.I. (mastering for vinyl), ETHEL THE FROG (mastering for vinyl and CD), TEMPLE KOLUDRA (mix & mastering), SOURCE (mastering for vinyl), INFERNAL DEATH (audio restoration and mastering), CIRITH UNGOL (mastering for DVD), ANTHROPOMANY (mastering for vinyl)…and in the next days I will produce the first demo for HELLWARD (Switzerland).

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