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Artist Jon “Metalion” Kristiansen Norway (NO) Birth ♉ Sat 20 May 1967 (57 years, 9 months, 20 days, 21116 total living days)
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Jon Kristiansen aka Metalion, is the editor for the long running fanzine called Slayer Mag that was launched in the early 80’s. He did also run the record label Head Not Found. He was friends with a lot of the well known early heavy and extreme metal bands including the infamous Norwegian Black Metal bands. He was one of their editors and journalistΒ of Live Wire mag 1983 (see Credits and Magazines of King of the Dead) and each Slayer Mag from vol.1 anno 1985 through vol.20 anno 2010 was in 2011 collected in his excellent and literary heavy book called Metalion: The Slayer Mag Diaries, along with plenty of newly written comments and photos. His brother under nick name Ozzie helped with Live Wire and Slayer Mag with the nick name the Beast. The pages from vol 1 to 20 are mostly the same on original, but unfortunately there are some original paper is dismissed on the 2011 collection Metalion: The Slayer Mag Diaries. The book is mostly focused on the more extreme edge of metal, but all kinds of hard rock and metal are represented in his works. The book while being highly subjective, gives an unique insight at the early metal scene, especially in Norway. I have not read through the whole book yet, but while having seen the name Cirith Ungol briefly mentioned many times, but I have so far not found any articles, review or interview with them. Metalion’s Slayer Magazine was inspired from the movie The Slayer, not the famous US thrash metal Slayer.

Content of the Metalion: The Slayer Mag Diaries book:

Title / Metalion: The Slayer Mag Diaries page





Inspired by the subtitle and/or the cover

Forewords / 6

Introduction – Live Wire / 17

Live Wire Vol. 1 / 16

live wire norway 01 01 Jon "Metalion" Kristiansen | Cirith Ungol Online

Juni 1983

32 pages

Bruce Dickinson (Iron Maiden) was on the cover

Live Wire! Vol. 2
For Norwegian Earthdogs Only – Welcome to Norway Sabbath!

live wire norway 02 01 Jon "Metalion" Kristiansen | Cirith Ungol Online

August ’83


32 pages

Ian Gillan (Deep Purple), Europe, Tony Iommi (Black Sabbath) and Steve Harris (Iron Maiden) on the cover

Live Wire! Vol. 3 – For Heavyrockers Of All Kinds

live wire norway 03 01 Jon "Metalion" Kristiansen | Cirith Ungol Online

Nov. ’83


36 pages

Dio - Holy Diver (1983), Black Sabbath, AC/DC and Kiss on the cover

Slayer Vol. 1 – NY Metal Zine / 29

slayer vol01 Jon "Metalion" Kristiansen | Cirith Ungol Online

February 1985

24 pages
200 copies

Slayer Vol. 2 – Include: Total Death / 39

slayer vol02 Jon "Metalion" Kristiansen | Cirith Ungol Online

May 1985

A3 poster

Metalion: very stupid remake of the first BATHORY album (SE, 1984) on the cover. YUCK!

Slayer Vol. 3/4 – A Thrash Metal Attack / 51

slayer vol03 4 Jon "Metalion" Kristiansen | Cirith Ungol Online

February 1986

500 copies

Bathory on the cover

French Edition

Slayer Vol. 5 – The Return… / 71

slayer vol05 red Jon "Metalion" Kristiansen | Cirith Ungol Online

Summer 1987

68 pages
1000 copies

Inspired by Bathory - The Return… (1985)

Cover is Rudi Brandl (Satan's Holocaust (DE))

Arne Babb "cartoon" arrived

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Slayer Vol. 6 – Death Metal ‘Zine / 115 

slayer vol06 Jon "Metalion" Kristiansen | Cirith Ungol Online


48 pages

Cover is The Evil Dead (1981) movie

Slayer Vol. 7 – Death Mental ‘Zine / 147

slayer vol07 Jon "Metalion" Kristiansen | Cirith Ungol Online

Fall 1989

56 pages

New logo was from Rok (Sadistik Exekution)

Cover was Paul from the band Christians Against Christ

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Slayer Vol. 8 – Jesus Is Dead / 185

slayer vol08 Jon "Metalion" Kristiansen | Cirith Ungol Online

Early 1991

56 pages

The image is possibly The Dying Jesus or Jesus Är Död

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Slayer Vol. 9 – Alternative Death Mental ‘Zine / 217

slayer vol09 Jon "Metalion" Kristiansen | Cirith Ungol Online

Fall 1992

60 pages
1000 copies

Cover is Per "Dead" Yngve (Morbid)

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Slayer Vol. 10 – Past Present Forever / 261

slayer vol10 x red Jon "Metalion" Kristiansen | Cirith Ungol Online

Spring 1995

88 pages

2 different designs, one background was white, and another was red (separate book)

Cover was the musician Andrea Haugen. She was unfortunately killed in 13 Oct 2021.

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Slayer Vol. 11 – Metallik Devastation / 323

slayer vol11 Jon "Metalion" Kristiansen | Cirith Ungol Online

May 1998

108 pages

Cover is the band Nifelheim (SE)

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Slayer Vol. 12 – De Mysteriis Dom Arne Babb

slayer vol12 3 4 Jon "Metalion" Kristiansen | Cirith Ungol Online


12 pages
unfinished mag

Inspired by Mayhem (NO) - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas (1994)

Metalion: Still under construction!
You have to get in touch with Arne concerning this one.

Slayer Vol. 13 – Final Kommand / 381

slayer vol13 Jon "Metalion" Kristiansen | Cirith Ungol Online

January 2000

108 pages

Cover is the band Destruction (DE)

Slayer Vol. 14 – Total Destruktion / 411

slayer vol14 Jon "Metalion" Kristiansen | Cirith Ungol Online

Summer 2000

104 pages

Cover is the band Sadistik Exekution (AU)

Slayer Vol. 15 – Nekro Kult / 487

slayer vol15 Jon "Metalion" Kristiansen | Cirith Ungol Online

Late 2000

88 pages

Cover is the band Usurper (Chicago, USA)

Slayer Vol. 16 – Deathlike Silence / 531

slayer vol16 Jon "Metalion" Kristiansen | Cirith Ungol Online

Late 2001

68 pages

Inspired by Deathlike Silence Productions

Cover is the band Sodom (DE)

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Slayer Vol. 17 – Witching Metal / 559

slayer vol17 Jon "Metalion" Kristiansen | Cirith Ungol Online

May 2002

68 pages

Probably inspired by Sodom (DE) - Witching Metal (1983)

Cover is the band Morbid (SE, 1987) (Per "Dead" Yngve and three other members)

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Slayer Vol. 18 – Devils Attack / 595

slayer vol18 Jon "Metalion" Kristiansen | Cirith Ungol Online

January 2003

68 pages

Cover is The Chasm (MX)

Slayer Vol. 19 – Fukk Metal / 623

slayer vol19 Jon "Metalion" Kristiansen | Cirith Ungol Online

February 2004

56 pages

Cover is the band Vulcano (BR)

Slayer Vol. XX – Blood Fire Death / 655

slayer vol20 Jon "Metalion" Kristiansen | Cirith Ungol Online

December 2010

100 pages
some issues has with A2 poster of Jon Nødtveidt (Dissection), Slayer poster or Arne collage poster.

Separate book.

Some has Morbid – Ancient Morbidity (12″).

Some with the logo patch.

Inspired by Bathory - Blood Fire Death (1988)

Cover is Erik Danielsson (Watain)

Afterword – Live After Slayer Mag / 715

He is thanked in the booklet for both King of the Dead and One Foot In Hell and is one of the two persons mentioned from Norway. The other credit is Hallgeir Fisketjon, Norwegian is “FisketjΓΈn”, but have no idea what he was related to something.

King of the Dead (1984) and One Foot In Hell (1986) credits:

  • NORWAY β€’ Hallgeir Fisketjon, Jon Kristiansen
  • MAGAZINES β€’ … Live Wire …Β 

    This episode features a discussion with Jon Kristiansen and Tara G. Warrior talking about their book Metalion: The Slayer Mag Diaries (Bazillion Points Publishers). Jon started Slayer Mag in Norway in 1985 and put out 20 issues over the span of 25 years. The zine covered a variety of extreme metal bands, including Emperor, Slayer, Kreator, Nihilist, Celtic Frost, Bathory, Cathedral, Entombed, Morbid, Napalm Death, and more. The Onion AV club called Slayer zine founder Jon Kristiansen β€œone of the best primary sources for facts and stories about Mayhem, Varg, and what really happened back in the day.” The Chicago Reader called this book “a chronicle of death and black metal at their births but also a personal coming-of-age story.” It’s an awesome 744 page hardcover with tons of pictures and reproduction pages from every issue, and there’s even material from the precursor Live Wire zine. It’s also part memoir. Co-editor Tara interviewed Jon all about his experiences with the zine, and then together they decided what to include.

    Yes, we have it at Quimby’s. It is $39.95.

    Jon and Tara were at Quimby’s for a Chicago release event for the book on 6/8/11. But we conducted this interview in our dark and creepy basement beforehand.

    Quimby’s Bookstore is at 1854 W. North Ave, Chicago, IL 60622. Or find us on the web at quimbys.com.


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