Song Last Laugh • Performed by Cirith UngolRecorded Sep 1979 • Original version Last Laugh

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We definitely would have liked to put โ€œLast Laughโ€ and โ€œHype Performanceโ€ on the album [Frost and Fire], but we basically just ran out of money to pay for recording time. Remember, we paid for everything onย  โ€œFrost And Fireโ€ ourselves, from the recording time to the shrinkwrap.

Greg Lindstrom, interview by Patrick Lefevre

Last Laugh (Demo Sept 79)

From released Servant of Chaos (2001).

This version probably the same that originally appeared on the 1979 Demo.

(Sept 79) This one you’ve only heard live before. Tim does his best Mae West impression in the slow middle part.

Greg Lindstrom, liner notes

Last Laugh (Live)

From released Servants of Chaos (2001).

These next two songs were also on our recent re-releases as bonus tracks. I put them on here again as they kick ass! This song was from a gig at The Country Club in Reseda California (11-09-84).

Robert Garven, liner notes


From re-released King of the Dead (1984/1999).

The live version was previously released as a bonus track for the remastered version of King of the Dead. Bonus track for the remastered edition of King of the Dead. Recorded live at The Country Club on November 9, 1984.

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