Song Witch’s Game • Performed by Cirith UngolRecorded Fri 05 Oct 2018

Gigs/concerts (4 numbers or more)


Witchโ€™s Game

Deep within the sacred mountain, past the death and ancient stones.
Sit before the evil Eydis, as she begins to roll the bones.

Trapped within the Witch’s Game, forced to live her wicked dream.
She plays the card of the warrior, as you hear the fallen scream.

Ride into the battle, death my willing slave.
Ride into the battle, begin the Witch’s Game.

Oh what can this be, deaths harem calling for me.
Can this much pleasure, be this much pain, or am I finally going insane?

All is shattered, a crashing from above, as our senses melt away.
The Witch continues with her evil, another roll, another card, another play.

Now the Witch has played the card, a pack of demons, yellow eyes agleam.
Just one way to end this nightmare, take a step inside the dream.

Ride into the battle, death my only name
Ride into the battle, play the Witch’s Game

Our last vision now beneath the sea, where the scorned black idols lie.
Card of death and now the dragon strikes, the ancient sword soon by our side.

Now weโ€™re heading from the horror, and our eyes are filled with flame.
Standing strong and undefeated, can we escape the Witch’s Game.

Ride into the battle, death my willing slave.
Ride into the battle, begin the Witches Game.

Ride into the battle, death my only name
Ride into the battle, play the Witches Game

Check it out here:

Witchโ€™s Game (demo)

Episode #28 – The Story of Cirith Ungol – Part 4

Witchโ€™s Game (Live)

Live debut on Frost and Fire Fest IV (2018).

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Witch’s Game

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